Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy 1 month!!!

Update as of 2/25

Hannah went in for her 1 month appointment today. She received a vaccine and had a little bit of blood drawn. She did great. She's growing like a weed.

Her current stats:
Height: 22.8 inches (95%) She's a tall girl!
Weight: 10.2 lbs (77%)
Head: 14.4 inches (34%)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Still sleeping, for the most part.....

There's not much Hannah is doing now a days except sleeping.
She's eating 2-4 ounces of milk every 3 hours or so, is now starting to follow your voice when you talk to her, and can hold her head up pretty well.

She has noticed Heidi when we've been playing in the loft. Of course with how fast Heidi moves around, it was quick glances she had of her.

She got to feel Libby kitty for the first time the other day. Well, actually Libby brushed up against her and head-butted her a few times. Hannah didn't seem to mind. She squinted her eyes in approval of the softness of Libby's tail and head.

I've still been working, when "the girls" allow me to, on their blogs, shutterfly photo albums and baby books. They are coming along, surprisingly enough with what little time I don't have Hannah in my arms. She sure is a snuggler!!

I will be updating with her 1 month photo and doctor's appointment and stats. In the meantime, enjoy some current photos of little Miss Hannah!

18/365 February 9th

23/365 February 14th

26/365 February 17th

28/365 February 19th

25/365 February 16th

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


17/365 February 8th


Just a preview of some of daddy's photography. Hannah is a very good subject and does best when she's in a milk coma. I don't think she agreed with the naked picture too much since she pee peed on the blanket. Oopsie, sorry daddy!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

sleep, sleep and more sleep

Hannah is such a good sleeper. Here are a few photos of her peacefully sleeping. Makes you want to snuggle up with her, doesn't it?

15/365 February 6th
Relaxing in her vibrating bouncy seat.

8/365 January 30th
First time napping in her crib.

6/365 January 28th

5/365 January 27th

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

First Bath!

Hannah had her first official bath this past Sunday after her umbilical stump fell off! She did pretty well. At first it seemed like she was liking it, then she cried a little, then it was back to liking it again.


