Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hannah's August

Look who we found sitting in amongst all the stuffed animals....

Such a big girl sitting in her bumbo seat in the tub. She still loves baths.

Playing with Heidi's doll house. Those Little People are fun to chew on!

Chillin' with my daddy outside on a beautiful day!

HI! They call me Thing 2. I love being outside. There is so much to look at!

Hannah went in for her 6 month check up and here are her current stats.
Height: 27.7
Weight: 18.6#
Head: 16.7"
She received a bunch of shots and did pretty well, lots of crying though. She made it 1/2 way through her eye exam, better than what big sister did. So we'll attempt that again at 9 months.
She is eating a variety of foods and so far she has loved all of them. She has even fed herself some poofy snacks, and likes though as well.
She is doing really well with sitting on her own and has yet to start crawling or sprouting some teeth. We're on the look out though, there's been a lot of drooling going on.