Monday, January 31, 2011

She has arrived!!

We had a planned c-section scheduled for Friday the 28th, but instead, our little Miss Hannah went ahead and chose Sunday morning to come instead.(mama was very relieved that she decided to come early!)

I started having contractions around 2:30am on Sunday. They were pretty regular (about every 6 minutes for an hour) when I decided to call the doctor.
Of course she said, "well, why don't you head on in and we'll check ya out!"
So we then called Grandma and Papa to come watch big sister Heidi so we could go and have our baby!

We arrived at the hospital around 5:30 am. We got checked into our room (room 12) and away they went with the "checking".
I was dilated to a 1 and still having regular 5 minute intervals of contractions.
They ended up giving me a few injections of a muscle relaxer to help slow down the contractions. While waiting for the injections to work, I dilated even more to a 3. At that point they called and booked the operating room for us at 10:00 am.

When everything was all ready, in we went. Daddy was all gowned up in a pair of nifty blue scrubs, hat, mask and booties, ready to meet his newest little girl.
I was excited, nervous and scared to say the least about having another surgery. But everything went really well and I was a stellar patient!
With lungs a blaring and legs a flailing, our little Hannah Noelle was born at 10:22 am.

She was beautiful!! Her and daddy headed up to our room and waited for me to join them. Once I got there, we started nursing, cuddling and getting to know each other.
What a great way to start a week!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations again! She is just precious!
    Get ready for some sibling fun! My sister has two little girls that are close to your girls ages; newly 2 yrs old and almost 5 months- it is SO much fun to see them interact (of course, add my Leo into the mix and it gets even crazier!)
    I love both of Heidi and Hannah's blogs!!
