Monday, June 6, 2011

Hannah's May

Time for some updates on Miss Hannah you say? We couldn't agree more!!
It was quite the busy month here at our house.

Early in May we had Hannah examined for surgery to remove her hemangiomas. She has 4 of them located in various areas on her body. They are benign little blood blisters, if you will, that she has had since she was a few weeks old. They have only gotten bigger and are in some areas that may cause her issues in the future if they don't go away on their own. So her surgery is scheduled for July 11th. They will use a little mask anesthesia so that the laser doesn't damage her eyes if she were to move. It's an outpatient surgery, so she goes home same day. We're a wee bit nervous, but we know she's in good hands at Gillette Children's Hospital.

Hannah has gotten bigger and bigger, longer and stronger. She is so smiley and happy. She is reaching for objects and pulling them in to her mouth. She is sitting up, assisted of course, and loves that view of the world.
She just loves her exersaucer with all of it's fun things to play with!

She just loves sitting in her highchair and playing with more toys. What's also fun for her is eating cereal. We started her on baby cereal at 4 months. She was interested but startled by the spoon. She has had it a number of times now and it only gets better each and every time. Soon we will be introducing veggies! Oh how excited she'll be!

Getting snuggly in her blanket, rocking to sleep.

She has recently decided to give mommy and daddy a break and sleep through the night. She's wonderful!! There are, on occasion, nights where she will still get up once for a bottle.

She laughed for the first time this month as well. It was so cute, Mike video taped her. It's been a month of "firsts" for her. Such a big girl she is!!

She recently had her 4 month check up. 4 shots and 1 she drank. Poor little soul, she did great though.
Current stats:
Height: 25.5"
weight: 16.2#
She is 10 oz lighter and 2/10 of an inch taller than Heidi at 4 months.
She is in most 3-6 month clothing and some 6 month outfits for the length alone.

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