Saturday, July 23, 2011

Update on Miss Hannah Pants

Hannah has been trying all sorts of delicious foods. Here she is feasting on sweet potatoes. She has had peas, g.beans, squash, pears and peaches. She is such a good eater!

Having fun at the park. She just loves watching all the kids at the park. Here we were sitting underneath the big slide, relaxing in the shade. She was just laughing and trying to lick the support beam.

It's just crazy to think that she has been with us now for 6 months!!
I remember thinking, shortly after she was born, how far away July was and the fact that she would be 6 months at that time. Well, holy moly, that went fast!!
She has been such a good baby. So tolerant of her sister and the craziness of everyday life around here. We couldn't have asked for a better addition to our family!! Here's to another 6 months and beyond with our littlest monkey!!!

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