Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hannah's Updates

Yup, we have to go and put up the gate again at the bottom of the stairs. Look at that big smile on her face, she thinks she's so smart.

Little Miss monkey has learned to pull herself up. This is the first picture we got of her accomplishment, in the crib no less. She thought she was so cool, just look at the expression on her face!!
She is moving and is almost as not-stop as her sister. She pulls herself up onto everything that doesn't move. She's taken a few steps once up, just to see how that will go. She has once just let go and fell to her butt. I think that surprised her and she hasn't done that since. Not before long, she will be taken more steps and then watch out world!!

Hannah loves to hang out in the great outdoors. She discovered the pretty and very crunchy/tasty leaves. She liked the feeling of crumbling them in her hands.

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