Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baptism Day

We had Hannah baptized at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church here in Apple Valley on Sunday, March, 13th.
She was such a good girl. So smiley when she was sleeping. She became a little fussy once her part of the service was over, but nothing a bottle couldn't fix!
Of course we took some pictures, so enjoy!!

She wore a beautiful gown that was made by her Great Grandma Florence (Grandma Boehnlein's mom) over 40 years ago. Her daddy and Auntie Rori wore it to their baptisms too.

I had to get a picture of her cake. I ordered this on-line, having no idea what it would look like until I picked it up. All I asked is that they didn't use roses, and to have the flowers arranged into the shape of a cross, and to use the colors that they did. I think it turned our pretty cute.

This is one of the pastors that did the service that morning.

She was such a good girl. She slept through almost the whole service.

Mommy and daddy.

Her Godparents, Mel and Corey Brower. We have been good friends with them for such a long, long time that we couldn't think of two more loving and wonderful people to have be her Godparents.

Grandma and Papa Nordmeyer

Grandma and Poppy Boehnlein

Uncle Rob

Uncle Jason, Auntie Suzie, Laynie and Wyatt

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