Thursday, April 14, 2011


Here's Hannah, all cozy warm with one of her new blankies that I had my friend, Rebecca, make for her. She did such a wonderful job.

Hannah has grown so much. She is now in most 3-6 month clothing, with a little room to spare. She mostly needs the bigger sizes for her length. I can't wait to see what next month's appt. will bring for height/weight numbers.

She has been working so hard on getting her thumb in her mouth. Her poor little hands are chapped in the areas where she has been sucking. It's kind of a bittersweet thing because she'll be able to soothe herself but yet we won't be able to take her thumb away from her when it's time to (like a nookie).

She's smiling so much and at everyone, including the screen saver that is a big picture of Heidi's face. She's cooing a lot and loves to "talk". She has a lot to say and loves hearing you talk back to her.

She just loves sleeping in her crib now. She has so much more room to sleep like a "star fish" with all arms and legs spread out. We have noticed her sleeping patterns are getting longer and longer. We did have a 7 hour stretch the other night. That was nice, keep it up girl!!

She met her Great Grandma Trautman, who turns 89 this year and her Great-Great Aunt Helen, who is 94 years young, this past weekend. She was such a good girl. Slept the whole 3 1/2 hour ride home.

Remember to check in and view more pictures on her Flickr page!

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