Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Hannah's Updates

Yup, we have to go and put up the gate again at the bottom of the stairs. Look at that big smile on her face, she thinks she's so smart.

Little Miss monkey has learned to pull herself up. This is the first picture we got of her accomplishment, in the crib no less. She thought she was so cool, just look at the expression on her face!!
She is moving and is almost as not-stop as her sister. She pulls herself up onto everything that doesn't move. She's taken a few steps once up, just to see how that will go. She has once just let go and fell to her butt. I think that surprised her and she hasn't done that since. Not before long, she will be taken more steps and then watch out world!!

Hannah loves to hang out in the great outdoors. She discovered the pretty and very crunchy/tasty leaves. She liked the feeling of crumbling them in her hands.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hannah's August

Look who we found sitting in amongst all the stuffed animals....

Such a big girl sitting in her bumbo seat in the tub. She still loves baths.

Playing with Heidi's doll house. Those Little People are fun to chew on!

Chillin' with my daddy outside on a beautiful day!

HI! They call me Thing 2. I love being outside. There is so much to look at!

Hannah went in for her 6 month check up and here are her current stats.
Height: 27.7
Weight: 18.6#
Head: 16.7"
She received a bunch of shots and did pretty well, lots of crying though. She made it 1/2 way through her eye exam, better than what big sister did. So we'll attempt that again at 9 months.
She is eating a variety of foods and so far she has loved all of them. She has even fed herself some poofy snacks, and likes though as well.
She is doing really well with sitting on her own and has yet to start crawling or sprouting some teeth. We're on the look out though, there's been a lot of drooling going on.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Update on Miss Hannah Pants

Hannah has been trying all sorts of delicious foods. Here she is feasting on sweet potatoes. She has had peas, g.beans, squash, pears and peaches. She is such a good eater!

Having fun at the park. She just loves watching all the kids at the park. Here we were sitting underneath the big slide, relaxing in the shade. She was just laughing and trying to lick the support beam.

It's just crazy to think that she has been with us now for 6 months!!
I remember thinking, shortly after she was born, how far away July was and the fact that she would be 6 months at that time. Well, holy moly, that went fast!!
She has been such a good baby. So tolerant of her sister and the craziness of everyday life around here. We couldn't have asked for a better addition to our family!! Here's to another 6 months and beyond with our littlest monkey!!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

5 months, already???

Time just needs to slow down a bit.
We can't keep up with all the growing and learning that Hannah has been doing lately.
She is such a talker now. Lots of cooing, gurgles and screams.
Besides her voice, she has found her lips and tongue. She licks her lips a lot, rolls her tongue and gives lots of "the raspberries".
She's drooling now more than ever so that makes us wonder if first teeth are right around the corner. We go through bibs like crazy!!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Hannah's May

Time for some updates on Miss Hannah you say? We couldn't agree more!!
It was quite the busy month here at our house.

Early in May we had Hannah examined for surgery to remove her hemangiomas. She has 4 of them located in various areas on her body. They are benign little blood blisters, if you will, that she has had since she was a few weeks old. They have only gotten bigger and are in some areas that may cause her issues in the future if they don't go away on their own. So her surgery is scheduled for July 11th. They will use a little mask anesthesia so that the laser doesn't damage her eyes if she were to move. It's an outpatient surgery, so she goes home same day. We're a wee bit nervous, but we know she's in good hands at Gillette Children's Hospital.

Hannah has gotten bigger and bigger, longer and stronger. She is so smiley and happy. She is reaching for objects and pulling them in to her mouth. She is sitting up, assisted of course, and loves that view of the world.
She just loves her exersaucer with all of it's fun things to play with!

She just loves sitting in her highchair and playing with more toys. What's also fun for her is eating cereal. We started her on baby cereal at 4 months. She was interested but startled by the spoon. She has had it a number of times now and it only gets better each and every time. Soon we will be introducing veggies! Oh how excited she'll be!

Getting snuggly in her blanket, rocking to sleep.

She has recently decided to give mommy and daddy a break and sleep through the night. She's wonderful!! There are, on occasion, nights where she will still get up once for a bottle.

She laughed for the first time this month as well. It was so cute, Mike video taped her. It's been a month of "firsts" for her. Such a big girl she is!!

She recently had her 4 month check up. 4 shots and 1 she drank. Poor little soul, she did great though.
Current stats:
Height: 25.5"
weight: 16.2#
She is 10 oz lighter and 2/10 of an inch taller than Heidi at 4 months.
She is in most 3-6 month clothing and some 6 month outfits for the length alone.

Monday, May 2, 2011


Sitting in the bumbo seat is so much fun and what a different view of the world!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Here's Hannah, all cozy warm with one of her new blankies that I had my friend, Rebecca, make for her. She did such a wonderful job.

Hannah has grown so much. She is now in most 3-6 month clothing, with a little room to spare. She mostly needs the bigger sizes for her length. I can't wait to see what next month's appt. will bring for height/weight numbers.

She has been working so hard on getting her thumb in her mouth. Her poor little hands are chapped in the areas where she has been sucking. It's kind of a bittersweet thing because she'll be able to soothe herself but yet we won't be able to take her thumb away from her when it's time to (like a nookie).

She's smiling so much and at everyone, including the screen saver that is a big picture of Heidi's face. She's cooing a lot and loves to "talk". She has a lot to say and loves hearing you talk back to her.

She just loves sleeping in her crib now. She has so much more room to sleep like a "star fish" with all arms and legs spread out. We have noticed her sleeping patterns are getting longer and longer. We did have a 7 hour stretch the other night. That was nice, keep it up girl!!

She met her Great Grandma Trautman, who turns 89 this year and her Great-Great Aunt Helen, who is 94 years young, this past weekend. She was such a good girl. Slept the whole 3 1/2 hour ride home.

Remember to check in and view more pictures on her Flickr page!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Baptism Day

We had Hannah baptized at Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church here in Apple Valley on Sunday, March, 13th.
She was such a good girl. So smiley when she was sleeping. She became a little fussy once her part of the service was over, but nothing a bottle couldn't fix!
Of course we took some pictures, so enjoy!!

She wore a beautiful gown that was made by her Great Grandma Florence (Grandma Boehnlein's mom) over 40 years ago. Her daddy and Auntie Rori wore it to their baptisms too.

I had to get a picture of her cake. I ordered this on-line, having no idea what it would look like until I picked it up. All I asked is that they didn't use roses, and to have the flowers arranged into the shape of a cross, and to use the colors that they did. I think it turned our pretty cute.

This is one of the pastors that did the service that morning.

She was such a good girl. She slept through almost the whole service.

Mommy and daddy.

Her Godparents, Mel and Corey Brower. We have been good friends with them for such a long, long time that we couldn't think of two more loving and wonderful people to have be her Godparents.

Grandma and Papa Nordmeyer

Grandma and Poppy Boehnlein

Uncle Rob

Uncle Jason, Auntie Suzie, Laynie and Wyatt

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hannah: "What is this creature? And what is it doing on my changing table?"

Libby: "ah, excuse me, I'm trying to sleep here, do you mind?"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Random pictures

Hanging out on the pack and play's changing area. It won't be long and she'll be too big to change on there. It looks like she's got a bright idea...hmmmm....

Snoozing in her bassinet. Sometimes she likes laying in there and other times she prefers her bouncy seat.

Swinging in the swing, relaxing to the sounds of birds chirping.

Big cousin Laynie was so excited to hold Hannah. She did a great job!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy 1 month!!!

Update as of 2/25

Hannah went in for her 1 month appointment today. She received a vaccine and had a little bit of blood drawn. She did great. She's growing like a weed.

Her current stats:
Height: 22.8 inches (95%) She's a tall girl!
Weight: 10.2 lbs (77%)
Head: 14.4 inches (34%)